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· In Scripture the “Law” consists of commands or rules: “what we should do, should not do, and how to live.”

· The Law is about what we do or do not do, or God’s judgment on us.

¡ It shows our sin (mirror), threatens our sinning and accuses us of doing evil (curb), and helps us to make decisions when we desire to do what is God pleasing (guide).


¡ The Gospel is all about what GOD DOES FOR US.  It is free.

¡ We do nothing in the Gospel, but Christ does it all.

· The Gospel is about the sacrifice of Christ on the cross and God’s Love for us.

¡ If the Pastor talks about what God has done or is doing for us that is Gospel.


SOS Shows Our Sin


SOS Shows Our Savior


Go and tell others of the Good News of Jesus Christ.

¡ Since this is telling us that we should DO something, this is LAW

God sent His Son to die on a cross for your sins and mine.

¡ Since this is telling us of what Christ has done for us, this is GOSPEL
