This Week at Faith - November 4, 2018

Helping our family at home

The world considers it a blessing to receive a gift; we Christians consider it a blessing to be able to give the gift.  In using our blessings to bless others, funds have always been available to serve those in our Faith family who are needing financial assistance in difficult times.  The families at Faith have always been very generous with their donations and for this we humbly thank you.  We have been given so much and much will always be asked, yet we know we cannot ever out-give God!

Social Ministry is funded each year through sacrificial gifts from the people in our congregation, beyond their regular tithing.  To be clear, it is not in the budget; instead, it is funded by your gifts.  Last year funds were used to help ten families, many who have young children, at Thanksgiving and Christmas; small gifts were delivered to our shut-ins; assistance with utilities, rent, food, and medical expenses was provided for many families throughout the year, as well.  To be able to continue helping those in need, Social Ministry needs readily available funds.  Simply put, we do not have the funding this year to continue this wonderful, behind-the-scenes ministry.  Will you please consider giving a special gift to help a needy brother or sister of your church family?  Malachi 3:10 “’Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple.  If you do,’ says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, ‘I will open the windows of heaven for you.  I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in!  Try it!  Put me to the test.’”

If you are moved to contribute to this fund, please make out a check to Faith and put “Social Ministry” on the memo line or use the white envelopes in the pew backs and check off “Social Ministry.”

Thank you in advance for helping those in need.

Tina Caracci,
Director of Social Ministry

HELP!  Hurricane Michael Clean-up

Have you been wondering how you can help the victims of Hurricane Michael? This storm has impacted so many of our neighbors.null

We have an opportunity for you to help. We are setting up teams headed up (for now) by Lutheran Church of the Resurrection and supported by the Lutheran Coalition for Habitat to go to Albany, GA and work in 2-3 day shifts. The leadership of the teams could change to another church or the Lutheran Coalition for Habitat.  Workers would be expected to stay for the full 2-3 day shift. This is an area that is being under-served due to the devastation on the FL panhandle.

We are working with the Lutheran pastors there and have housing and meals arranged as well as direction for the work to be done.

If you are interested in getting involved and getting your hands dirty, contact Sybil Eidson at 770-565-0999 or Colleen Umphrey at 1-630-292-8153.


Flood Buckets - H. Michael Response


Yes, we will be packing flood buckets to go the areas hit so hard by Hurricane Matthew.  While the water may have receded, there is still lots of clean up left to do.  If you can’t be part of the groups going down to do the actual work, why don’t you go shopping and purchase some supplies to help pack some buckets?  The LERT team has set a goal of 50 buckets, to be packed on Nov. 17th.  Thanks to the generosity of Thrivent, an Action Team grant will purchase buckets – we need the “filling”!

While you’re out shopping, please pick up some items to fill the buckets.  Check out the list and let us know what you’ll be supplying by signing up at

We’ll be packing buckets on Saturday, Nov. 17th, at 10am, in the cafeteria. Please join us – many hands make light work!

It's Wingo-Bingo Time!null

Ready for lots of fun, food, and fellowship, along with a few cheesy (albeit coveted!) prizes?  Join us on Friday, Nov. 9th, 6:00 - 7:30 pm as we play BINGO and enjoy a variety of wings.  Let us know if you'll be coming, so we can be sure to have plenty of wings for everyone.  Sign up at

Date: 11/09/2018 (Fri.)
Time: 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Location: Gymnasium

Birthdays this week:   



Nov 4 - Jackie Jones, Daniel Eidson
Nov 5 - Andrew Linsey
Nov 7 - Karrie Wareham, Eddie Carter
Nov 8 - Muriel Pfaff


nullAnniversaries this week:  

No one celebrating this week.  Please pray for all marriages, may the be blessed and strengthened.



null “How can we remain silent when life itself is in question? Standing firm and trusting in Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior of life, and being willing to use our voices to speak up and share the truth about the value of human life are so very important as the world crumbles around us.” Virginia Flo, Lutherans For Life Regional Director of Minnesota – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

Happening this week at Faith: 

