This Week at Faith - September 2, 2018

Everyone deserves a healthy home!

nullRed Feather partners with American Indian nations to develop sustainable solutions to the housing needs within their communities. They are currently serving the Hopi Tribe and Navajo Nation in Arizona.

They partner with homeowners, community members, and tribal partners to: 

  • Repair and weatherize homes
  • Demonstrate how housing conditions impact health  
  • Conduct home assessments 

Assemble professionals, volunteers and materials within the community and outside to address the most urgently needed housing needs

Today there are over 1 million tribal members residing on American Indian reservations, 40% of whom live in homes that do not meet the federal standard for “adequate housing”. This compares to just 6% of the rest of the US population living in substandard housing. These conditions can exacerbate and even cause chronic health conditions, making it difficult to be productive at work or school.  Not having a healthy home is a root cause of numerous problems that put a strain on community resources.

The Red Feather Weatherization program provides free, energy saving weatherization services to low-moderate income families living on the Hopi and Navajo Reservations who are Arizona Public Service customers in order to reduce their utility bills and improve the comfort and health of their homes.

Services provided under the program can included:

  • insulation of attic, walls, and/or floor
  • Repair of broken windows and doors
  • Repair of damaged drywall
  • Air sealing including weather-stripping and caulking
  • Installation of water saving devices (faucet aerators/showerheads)
  • LED lighting upgrades 
  • Minor roof repair
  • HVAC repair or replacement
  • Energy Efficient appliance swap outs 

For more information on their mission and how you can help, go to


Are you a “People Person”??

Faith’s Comfort Dog Ministry is just a few months old, and we are already seeing growing awareness in our community with the mercy and compassion of Jesus that is shown with every appearance we make.  Hope’s ministry teams are averaging 15 or more visits every month to nursing homes, hospices, memory care units, rehabilitation centers, and shut-ins, not to mention our own school!

If you are a person who likes to lift the spirits of others with a smile, friendly words, and maybe even a prayer, pleaseconsider joining us as a “Ministry Partner”.  When Hope goes out, she is accompanied by a handler and a Ministry Partner or two who love to chat with the people we meet.  If you can give a couple hours a month during the week to be a Ministry Partner, we would love to have you join us.  You can pick days that fit in with your schedule; no training is required, just a heart that loves to reach out to people who need a friendly touch.

Please contact Peter Amelingmeier,, 770-876-4292, if would like to learn more about Faith’s Comfort Dog Ministry where our mission is: to bring the mercy, compassion, presence and proclamation of Jesus Christ to those who are suffering and in need.



   Faith Lutheran School is selling Charleston Wrap!!!

   support our school fundraiser!

Charleston Wrap not only includes GIFT WRAP, but fabulous HOMEGOODS, personalized GIFTS, and FOOD. This year, families can simplify ordering and delivery for out-of-town families/friends with the online ordering option, AND students will be eligible for fun daily prizes based on their sales. Don't miss out on this great opportunity to get started on your holiday shopping while supporting the wonderful programs provided by Faith Lutheran PTL!


Birthdays this week:   



Sep 2 – Brinley Billimek, Dick Burmeister, Josh Corley
Sep 5 – Karen Bistrica, Jennifer Helliwell
Sep 6 – Linda Couch, O’niece Roberts
Sep 8 – Byron Pietro



nullAnniversaries this week:  

Sep 5 – Jim & Rachel Higgins



null “We come together from all parts of our land … We come rich and poor, proud and plain, religious and agnostic, politically committed and independent … The right-to-life cause is not the concern of only a special few, but it should be the cause of all those who care about fairness and justice, love and compassion, and liberty with law.” Dr. Mildred Fay Jefferson, MD – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

Happening this week at Faith: 

